Source code for feed2exec.plugins.archive

import logging
import os.path
import requests
from feed2exec.utils import slug, make_dirs_helper

#: default archive directory
DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_DIR = '/run/user/1000/'

[docs]def output(*args, feed=None, item=None, session=None, **kwargs): """The archive plugin saves the feed's URLs into a directory, specified by DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_DIR or through the output `args` value. Example:: [NASA breaking news] url = output = archive args = /srv/archive/nasa/ The above will save the "NASA breaking news" into the ``/srv/archive/nasa`` directory. Do *not* use interpolation here as the feed's variable could be used to mount a directory transversal attack. """ # make a safe path from the item name path = slug(item.get('title', 'no-name')) # take the archive dir from the user or use the default archive_dir = ' '.join(args) if args else DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_DIR make_dirs_helper(archive_dir) # put the file in the archive directory path = os.path.join(archive_dir, path) # only operate on items that actually have a link if item.get('link'): # tell the user what's going on, if verbose # otherwise, we try to stay silent if all goes well'saving feed item %s to %s from %s%s', item.get('title'), path, item.get('link'), feed.get('catchup', '') and ' (simulated)') if feed.get('catchup'): return True # fetch the URL in memory result = session.get(item.get('link'), headers={"Cache-Control": "no-store"}) if result.status_code != logging.warning('failed to fetch link %s: %s', item.get('link'), result.status_code) # make sure we retry next time return False # open the file with open(path, 'w') as archive: # write the response archive.write(result.text) return True else:'no link for feed item %s, not archiving', item.get('title')) # still consider the item processed, as there's nothing to archive return True