Source code for feed2exec.plugins.wayback

import logging

import requests


[docs]def output(*args, feed=None, item=None, **kwargs): """This plugin saves the feed items `link` element to the wayback machine. It will retry URLs that fail, so it may be necessary to manually catchup feeds if they have broken `link` fields. Example:: [NASA IOTD wayback] url = output = feed2exec.plugins.wayback The above will save the Image of the day updates to the wayback machine. """ if item and item.get('link'): wayback_url = '%s/save/%s' % (WAYBACK_URL, item.get('link')) logging.debug('saving URL %s to wayback machine %s', item.get('link'), wayback_url) if feed.get('catchup'): return True res = feed.session.get(wayback_url, allow_redirects=True) res.headers['status_code'] = res.status_code if res.history: res.headers['Content-Location'] = res.history[0].headers.get('Content-Location') # noqa location = res.headers.get('Content-Location') if location: archive_location = WAYBACK_URL + location else: archive_location = 'N/A' if res.status_code =='URL %s saved to wayback machine: %s', item.get('link'), archive_location) return True else: logging.warning('wayback machine failed to save URL %s, status %d', item.get('link'), res.status_code) # noqa return False