
This is a quick prototype that turned out to be quite usable. The design is minimal: some home-made ORM for the feed storage, crude parallelism with the multiprocessing module and a simple plugin API using importlib.

More information about known issues and limitations in the feed2exec manual page document.

Quick tour

The most common workflow is through the fetch subcommand and goes something like this:

  1. is the main entrypoint, managed through the click module, which normally calls function defined in feed2exec.feeds.main() creates a feed2exec.feeds.FeedManager object which gets passed to subcommands. In our case, it passes the control to the fetch subcommand.
  2. The fetch command calls the feed2exec.feeds.FeedManager.fetch() function which creates a feed2exec.feeds.Feed object that is then used to parse the feed and return it as an opaque data object as returned by feedparser.
  3. fetch then calls the feed2exec.feeds.FeedManager.dispatch() function that calls the various filter and output plugins, passing in the feed configuration and one item at a time. The filters can modify the feed items while the output plugins are responsible for writing them somewhere. That distinction is mostly arbitrary, but the return values of the output plugins matter, while filters do not.

The feed cache is stored in a minimal sqlite3 database. That database could be extended to keep the body of the feed and other data to enable more powerful features, but I haven’t had the need for this yet.

Configuration is stored in a .ini file or whatever configparser supports. It was originally stored in the database as well, but it was found inconvenient to modify by hand and a configuration file was used instead. The .ini file format was chosen because it is well supported by Python and allows for default settings.

There is the possibility for this project to cover more than RSS/Atom feeds. In theory, the parse function could also be pluggable and support reading from other data sources like Twitter or Facebook, which would bring us closer to the IFTTT concept.

Plugin system

Plugins are documented in the Plugins section. You can also refer to the Writing new plugins section if you wish to write a new plugin or extend an existing one.

The plugin system uses a simple importlib based architecture where plugin are simple Python modules loaded at runtime based on a module path provided by the user. This pattern was inspired by a StackOverflow discussion.

The following options were also considered:

Those options were ultimately not used because they add an aditionnal dependency and are more complicated than a simple import. We also did not need plugin listing or discovery, which greatly simplifies our design.

There is some code duplication between different parts (e.g. the feed2exec.plugins.output() and feed2exec.plugins.filter() plugin interfaces, the maildir and mbox plugins, etc), but never more than twice.

Concurrent processing

The threading design may be a little clunky and is certainly less tested, which is why it is disabled by default (use --parallel to use it). There are known deadlocks issues with high concurrency scenarios (e.g. with catchup enabled).

I had multiple design in minds: the current one (multiprocessing.Pool and pool.apply_async) vs aiohttp (on the asyncio branch) vs (on the threadpoolmap branch). The aiohttp design was very hard to diagnose and debug, which made me abandon the whole thing. After reading up on Curio and Trio, I’m tempted to give async/await a try again, but that would mean completely dropping 2.7 compatibility. The design is just badly adapted, as it would load all the feed’s datastructure in memory before processing them.

Test suite

The test suite is in feed2exec/tests but also as doctest comments in some functions imported from the ecdysis project. You can run all the tests with pytest, using, for example:


This is also hooked into the command, so this also works:

python3 test

Enabling the catchlog plugin will also enable logging in the test suite which will help diagnostics.

Note that some tests will fail in Python 2, as the code is written and tested in Python3. Furthermore, the feed output is taken from an up to date (5.2.1) feedparser version, so the tests are marked as expected to fail for lower versions. You should, naturally, run and write tests before submitting patches. See the Writing tests section for more information about how to write tests.

The test suite also uses the betamax module to cache HTTP requests locally so the test suite can run offline. If a new test requires networking, you can simply add a new test doing requests with the right fixture (feed2exec.tests.fixtures.betamax()), and a new recording will be added to the source tree. Note that you can also use the normal betamax_session() fixture provided upstream if you are going to do standalone HTTP request (not going through the feed2exec libraries). If a new test is added in an existing test, you may need to configure recording (in feed2exec/tests/ to new_episodes:

config.default_cassette_options['record_mode'] = 'none'

We commit the recordings in git so the test suite actually runs offline, so be careful about the content added there. Ideally, the license of that content should be documented in debian/copyright.

vcrpy was first used for tests since it was simpler and didn’t require using a global requests.session.Session object. But in the end betamax seems better maintained and more flexible: it supports pytest fixtures, for example, and multiple cassette storage (including vcr backwards compatibility). Configuration is also easier, done in feed2exec/tests/ Using a session also allows us to use a custom user agent.


feed2exec is a fairly new and minimal program, so features you may expect from another feed reader may not be present. I chose to write a new program because, when I started, both existing alternatives were in a questionable state: feed2imap was mostly abandoned and rss2email’s maintainer was also unresponsive. Both were missing the features I was looking for, which was to unify my feed parsers in a single program: i needed something that could deliver mail, run commands and send tweets. The latter isn’t done yet, but I am hoping to complete this eventually.

The program may not be for everyone, however, so I made those comparison tables to clarify what feed2exec does compared to the alternatives.

General information:

Program Version Date SLOC Language
feed2exec 0.10 2017 989 Python
feed2imap 1.2.5 2015 3238 Ruby
rss2email 3.9 2014 1754 Python
  • version: the version analysed
  • date: the date of that release
  • SLOC: Source Lines of Codes as counted by sloccount, only counting dominant language (e.g. excluding XML from test feeds) and excluding tests
  • Language: primary programming language

Delivery options:

Program Maildir Mbox IMAP SMTP sendmail exec
  • maildir: writing to Maildir folders. r2e has a pull request to implement maildir support, but it’s not merged at the time of writing
  • IMAP: sending emails to IMAP servers
  • SMTP: delivering emails over the SMTP protocol, with authentication
  • sendmail: delivering local using the local MTA
  • exec: run arbitrary comands to run on new entries. feed2imap has a execurl parameter to execute commands, but it receives an unparsed dump of the feed instead of individual entries. rss2email has a postprocess filter that is a Python plugin that can act on indiviual (or digest) messages which could possibly be extended to support arbitrary commands, but that is rather difficult to implement for normal users.


Program Pause OPML Retry Images Filter Reply Digest
  • pause: feed reading can be disabled temporarily by user. in feed2exec, this is implemented with the pause configuration setting. the catchup option can also be used to catchup with feed entries.
  • retry: tolerate temporary errors. For example, feed2imap will report errors only after 10 failures.
  • images: download images found in feed. feed2imap can download images and attach them to the email.
  • filter: if we can apply arbitrary filters to the feed output. feed2imap can apply filters to the unparsed dump of the feed.
  • reply: if the generated email ‘from’ header is usable to make a reply. rss2email has a use-publisher-email setting (off by default) for this, for example. feed2exec does this by default.
  • digest: possibility of sending a single email per run instead of one per entry


feed2imap supports only importing OPML feeds, exporting is supported by a third-party plugin.