Source code for feed2exec.feeds

# coding: utf-8

'''fast feed parser that offloads tasks to plugins and commands'''
# Copyright (C) 2016 Antoine Beaupré <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import division, absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

    import configparser
except ImportError:  # pragma: nocover
    # py2: should never happen as we depend on the newer one in
    import ConfigParser as configparser
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
from datetime import datetime
    from lxml import etree
except ImportError:  # pragma: nocover
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import os.path
    import urllib.parse as urlparse
except ImportError:  # pragma: nocover
    # py2
    import urlparse

import feed2exec
import feed2exec.plugins as plugins
import feed2exec.utils as utils
import feedparser
import requests
import requests_file
import sqlite3
from xdg.BaseDirectory import load_first_config, xdg_cache_home

[docs]class Feed(feedparser.FeedParserDict): """basic data structure representing a RSS or Atom feed. it derives from the base :class:`feedparser.FeedParserDict` but forces the element to have a ``name``, which is the unique name for that feed in the :class:`feed2exec.feeds.FeedManager`. We also add convenience functions to parse (in parallel) and normalize feed items. on intialization, a new :class:`requests.Session` object is created to be used across all requests. therefore, as long as a first FeedManager() object was created, FeedManager._session can be used by plugins. For all intents and purposes, this can be considered like a dict() unless otherwise noted. """ locked_keys = ('output', 'args', 'filter', 'filter_args', 'folder', 'mailbox', 'url', 'name', 'pause', 'catchup') #: class :class:`request.Session` object that can be used by plugins #: to make HTTP requests. initialized in __init__() or in test suite _session = None def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self['name'] = name # reuse class level session if Feed._session is None: Feed._session = self.session = requests.Session() else: self._session = Feed._session @property def session(self): """the session property""" return self._session @session.setter def session(self, value): """set the session to the given value will configure the session appropriately with sessionConfig we could also use a @classproperty here, see `this discussion <>`_ """ Feed.sessionConfig(value) self._session = value @staticmethod
[docs] def sessionConfig(session): """our custom session configuration we change the user agent and set the file:// hanlder. extra configuration may be performed in the future and will override your changes. this can be used to configure sessions used externally, for example by plugins. """ session.headers.update({'User-Agent': '%s/%s' % (feed2exec.__prog__, feed2exec.__version__)}) session.mount('file://', requests_file.FileAdapter())
[docs] def normalize(self, item=None): """normalize feeds a little more than what feedparser provides. we do the following operation: 1. add more defaults to item dates (`issue #113 <>`_): * created_parsed of the item * updated_parsed of the feed 2. missing GUID in some feeds (`issue #112 <>`_) 3. link normalization fails on some feeds, particilarly GitHub, where feeds are /foo instead of unreported for now. """ # 1. add more defaults (issue #113) item['updated_parsed'] = item.get('updated_parsed', item.get('created_parsed', self.get('updated_parsed', False))) # noqa assert item.get('updated_parsed') is not None # 2. add UID if missing (issue #112) if not item.get('id'): item['id'] = item.get('title') # 3. not completely absolute links scheme, netloc, *rest = urlparse.urlsplit(item.get('link')) if not scheme: # take missing scheme/host from feed URL scheme, netloc, *_ = urlparse.urlsplit(self.get('url', '')) item['link'] = urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, *rest))
[docs] def parse(self, body, lock=None, force=False): """parse the body of the feed this parses the given body using :mod:`feedparser` and calls the plugins configured in the ``feed`` (using :func:`feed2exec.plugins.output` and :func:`feed2exec.plugins.filter`). updates the cache with the found items if the ``output`` plugin succeeds (returns True) and if the ``filter`` plugin doesn't set the ``skip`` element in the feed item. :todo: this could be moved to a plugin, but then we'd need to take out the cache checking logic, which would remove most of the code here... :param bytes body: the body of the feed, as returned by :func:fetch :param dict self: a feed object used to pass to plugins and debugging :param object lock: a :class:`multiprocessing.Lock` object previously initialized. if None, the global `LOCK` variable will be used: this is used in the test suite to avoid having to pass locks all the way through the API. this lock is in turn passed to plugin calls. :param bool force: force plugin execution even if entry was already seen. passed to :class:`feed2exec.feeds.parse` as is :return dict: the parsed data """ global LOCK if lock is None: lock = LOCK'parsing feed %s (%d bytes)', self['url'], len(body)) data = feedparser.parse(body) # add metadata from the feed without overriding user config for (key, val) in data['feed'].items(): if key not in self and key not in Feed.locked_keys: self[key] = val # logging.debug('parsed structure %s', # json.dumps(data, indent=2, sort_keys=True, # default=safe_serial)) cache = FeedCacheStorage(feed=self['name']) for item in data['entries']: self.normalize(item=item) plugins.filter(feed=self, item=item, lock=lock) if item.get('skip'):'item %s of feed %s filtered out', item.get('title'), self.get('name')) continue guid = item['id'] if not force and guid in cache: logging.debug('item %s already seen', guid) else: logging.debug('new item %s <%s>', guid, item['link']) if plugins.output(self, item, lock=lock) is not False and not force: # noqa cache.add(guid) # massage result for multiprocessing module if data['bozo']: data['bozo_exception'] = str(data['bozo_exception']) return data
[docs] def fetch(self): """fetch the feed content and return the body, in binary This will call :func:`logging.warning` for exceptions :class:`requests.exceptions.Timeout` and :class:`requests.exceptions.ConnectionError` as they are transient errors and the user may want to ignore those. Other exceptions raised from :mod:`requests.exceptions` (like TooManyRedirects or HTTPError but basically any other exception) may be a configuration error or a more permanent failure so will be signaled with :func:`logging.error`. this will return the body on success or None on failure """ if self.get('pause'):'feed %s is paused, skipping', self['name']) return None'fetching feed %s', self['url']) try: body = self.session.get(self['url']).content except (requests.exceptions.Timeout, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as e: # XXX: we should count those and warn after a few # occurrences logging.warning('timeout while fetching feed %s at %s: %s', self['name'], self['url'], e) return None except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: logging.error('exception while fetching feed %s at %s: %s', self['name'], self['url'], e) return None return body
[docs]class ConfFeedStorage(configparser.RawConfigParser): """Feed configuration stored in a config file. This derives from :class:`configparser.RawConfigParser` and uses the ``.ini`` file set in the ``path`` member to read and write settings. Changes are committed immediately, and no locking is performed so loading here should be safe but not editing. The particular thing about this configuration is that there is an iterator that will yield entries matching the ``pattern`` substring provided in the constructor. """ #: default ConfFeedStorage path path = load_first_config(feed2exec.__prog__ + '.ini') def __init__(self, pattern=None): self.pattern = pattern self.path = os.path.expanduser(ConfFeedStorage.path) super(ConfFeedStorage, self).__init__(dict_type=OrderedDict)
[docs] def add(self, name, url, output=None, args=None, filter=None, filter_args=None, folder=None, mailbox=None): """add the designated feed to the configuration this is not thread-safe.""" if self.has_section(name): raise AttributeError('key %s already exists' % name) d = OrderedDict() # when a new element is added here, it must be added to the # Feed.locked_keys config to keep parsed feed elements from # overriding potentially secure-sensitive settings d['url'] = url if output is not None: d['output'] = output if args is not None: d['args'] = args if filter is not None: d['filter'] = filter if filter_args is not None: d['filter_args'] = filter_args if folder is not None: d['folder'] = folder if mailbox is not None: d['mailbox'] = mailbox self[name] = d self.commit()
[docs] def set(self, section, option, value=None): """override parent to make sure we immediately write changes not thread-safe """ super(ConfFeedStorage, self).set(section, option, value) self.commit()
[docs] def remove_option(self, section, option): """override parent to make sure we immediately write changes not thread-safe """ super(ConfFeedStorage, self).remove_option(section, option) self.commit()
[docs] def remove(self, name): """convenient alias for :func:`configparser.RawConfigParser.remove_section` not thread-safe """ self.remove_section(name) self.commit()
[docs] def commit(self): """write the feed configuration see :func:`configparser.RawConfigParser.write`"""'saving feed configuration in %s', self.path) utils.make_dirs_helper(os.path.dirname(self.path)) with open(self.path, 'w') as configfile: self.write(configfile)
def __iter__(self): """override iterator to allow for pattern matching""" for name in self.sections(): if self.pattern is None or self.pattern in name: yield Feed(name=name, **self[name])
[docs]class FeedManager(ConfFeedStorage): """a feed manager fetches and stores feeds. this is a "controller" in a "model-view-controller" pattern. it derives the "model" (:class:`feed2exec.feeds.ConfFeedStorage`) for simplicity's sake, and there is no real "view" (except maybe `__main__`). """
[docs] def fetch(self, parallel=False, force=False, catchup=False): """main entry point for the feed fetch routines. this iterates through all feeds configured in the parent :class:`feed2exec.feeds.ConfFeedStorage` that match the given ``pattern``, fetches the feeds and dispatches the parsing, which in turn dispatches the plugins. :param str pattern: restrict operations to feeds named ``pattern``. passed to parent :class:`feed2exec.feeds.ConfFeedStorage` as is :param bool parallel: parse feeds in parallel, using :mod:`multiprocessing` :param bool force: force plugin execution even if entry was already seen. passed to :class:`feed2exec.feeds.parse` as is :param bool catchup: disables the output plugin by setting the ``output`` field to None in the ``feed`` argument passed to :func:`feed2exec.feeds.parse`, used to catchup on feed entries without firing plugins. """ logging.debug('looking for feeds %s', self.pattern) if parallel: lock = multiprocessing.Lock() processes = None if isinstance(parallel, int): processes = parallel def init_global_lock(lock): """setup a global lock across pool threads this is necessary because Lock objects are not serializable so we can't pass them as arguments. An alternative pattern is to have a `Manager` process and use IPC for locking. cargo-culted from this `stackoverflow answer <>`_ """ global LOCK LOCK = lock pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=processes, initializer=init_global_lock, initargs=(lock,)) results = [] i = -1 for i, feed in enumerate(self): logging.debug('found feed in DB: %s', dict(feed)) # XXX: this is dirty. iterator/getters/??? should return # the right thing? or will that break an eventual editor? # maybe autocommit is a bad idea in the first place.. feed = Feed(feed['name'], feed) body = feed.fetch() if body is None: continue if catchup: feed['catchup'] = catchup if feed.get('catchup'):'catching up on feed %s (output plugin disabled)', feed['name']) if parallel: # if this fails silently, use plain apply() to see errors results.append(pool.apply_async(feed.parse, (body, None, force))) else: global LOCK LOCK = None feed.parse(body=body, force=force) if parallel: for result in results: result.get() pool.close() pool.join()'%d feeds processed', i+1)
[docs] def opml_import(self, opmlfile): """import a file stream as an OPML feed in the feed storage""" folders = [] for (event, node) in etree.iterparse(opmlfile, ['start', 'end']): if node.tag != 'outline': continue logging.debug('found OPML entry: %s', node.attrib) if event == 'start' and node.attrib.get('xmlUrl'): folder = os.path.join(*folders) if folders else None title = node.attrib['title']'importing element %s <%s> in folder %s', title, node.attrib['xmlUrl'], folder) if title in self: if folder: title = folder + '/' + title'feed %s exists, using folder name: %s', node.attrib['title'], title) if title in self: logging.error('feed %s already exists, skipped', node.attrib['title']) else: self.add(title, node.attrib['xmlUrl'], folder=folder) elif node.attrib.get('type') == 'folder': if event == 'start': logging.debug('found folder %s', node.attrib.get('text')) folders.append(node.attrib.get('text')) else: folders.pop()
def opml_export(self, path): xml_tmpl = u'''<opml version="1.0"> <head> <title>{title}</title> <dateModified>{date}</dateModified> </head> <body> {body}</body> </opml>''' outline_tmpl = u'<outline title="{name}" type="rss" xmlUrl="{url}" />' body = u'' for feed in self: if feed: body += outline_tmpl.format(**feed) + "\n" output = xml_tmpl.format(title=u'feed2exec RSS feeds',, body=body) path.write(output.encode('utf-8'))
class SqliteStorage(object): sql = None record = None conn = None path = os.path.join(xdg_cache_home, 'feed2exec.db') cache = {} def __init__(self): self.path = os.path.expanduser(SqliteStorage.path) assert self.path utils.make_dirs_helper(os.path.dirname(self.path)) if self.path not in SqliteStorage.cache:'connecting to database at %s', self.path) conn = sqlite3.connect(self.path) try: conn.set_trace_callback(logging.debug) except AttributeError: # pragma: nocover logging.debug('no logging support in sqlite') SqliteStorage.cache[self.path] = conn self.conn = SqliteStorage.cache[self.path] if self.sql: self.conn.execute(self.sql) self.conn.commit() class FeedCacheStorage(SqliteStorage): sql = '''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS feedcache (name text, guid text, PRIMARY KEY (name, guid))''' record = namedtuple('record', 'name guid') def __init__(self, feed=None, guid=None): self.feed = feed if guid is None: self.guid = '%' else: self.guid = '%' + guid + '%' super(FeedCacheStorage, self).__init__() def add(self, guid): assert self.feed self.conn.execute("INSERT INTO feedcache VALUES (?, ?)", (self.feed, guid)) self.conn.commit() def remove(self, guid): assert self.feed self.conn.execute("DELETE FROM feedcache WHERE guid = ?", (guid,)) self.conn.commit() def __contains__(self, guid): if self.feed is None: pattern = '%' else: pattern = self.feed cur = self.conn.execute("""SELECT * FROM feedcache WHERE name LIKE ? AND guid=?""", (pattern, guid)) return cur.fetchone() is not None def __iter__(self): if self.feed is None: pattern = '%' else: pattern = self.feed cur = self.conn.cursor() cur.row_factory = sqlite3.Row return cur.execute("""SELECT * from feedcache WHERE name LIKE ? AND guid LIKE ?""", (pattern, self.guid))